Deborah Burlingame

Debra Burlingame (born 1954) is the sister of Charles "Chic" Burlingame III, the pilot of the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 that was flown into the Pentagon on 9/11 by Al Qaeda terrorists.

Burlingame was the inspiration for blogger Robert Shurbet[1] to start Take Back The Memorial a non-profit group that opposed the International Freedom Center (IFC) being located at the World Trade Center site. She is an attorney, a housewife, and a former airline flight attendant. Burlingame is also a World Trade Center Memorial Foundation board member. Based upon the efforts of Burlingame and others, Governor George Pataki barred the IFC from being located at the World Trade Center site. As a result the IFC is now abandoned by its sponsors.

The Wall Street Journal has published numerous opinion columns written by Burlingame. A common theme in her writings is the need to remain vigilant against terrorism.

She co-founded Keep America Safe with Elizabeth Cheney.


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